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[招工] (深圳)MLA+ – 城市设计师 Urbanist / 景观设计师 Landscape Architect / 建筑设计

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发表于 2024-3-4 17:34:08 | 查看全部 阅读模式
公司简介 | About
中国总部地址:广东省 深圳市 南山区 香山街社区文昌南路7号创意文化园北区A1栋406
China Office Add:Rm 406,OCT North A1,No.7 Street Wenchang South, Xiangshan Community,Shahe Street, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, China
MLA+B.V. is an international architecture, Urban planning, Landscape design and strategic consultancy firm.
MaccreanorLavington Architects事务所于1992年成立,聚焦欧亚及南美市场,所做建筑及规划项目屡获国际大奖。 团队成长应全球化的时代要求,肩负国际战略定位的MLA+在2012年成立,随着二十多年的稳健发展与壮大,伦敦、柏林、鹿特丹、莫斯科、圣彼得堡和深圳等子公司相继诞生,目前全球累积数百多名优秀员工。其中,亩加建筑规划(深圳)有限公司兢业根植在中国的沃土,国际竞赛屡获第一, MLA+引领并刷新市场和行业对城市和景观设计的要求和标准,我司也将保持并继续为中国市场输出高水准且不断升级的国际品质项目。
Since the foundation of Maccreanor Lavington Architects in 1992, we focused on EU-ASIA-SA market and won numberous international awards. MLA+ as an international firm strategically established in 2012 and several subsidiaries such as London,Berlin,Rotterdam,Moscow, and Shenzhen set up over the last 20 years with overall 130+ employees. MUJIA was born with mission to serve China market. Throughout our history we have delivered high quality projects that consistently and continuously won prestigious prizes and compliments from our clients & collaborators both for innovative masterplanning and landscape design. Over 30 times as bidding winner and more than 50 times to be top three. We will steadily provide high-quality & upgrading projects.
亩「家」 MLA+ Culture
「亩加=吾家」 公司信守每一位亩家人都是最宝贵的财富和最坚实的战斗力,我们信奉高效工作,快乐生活。在这里,没有森严的「等级」制度,只有扁平化管理和实时「围绕员工需求」灵活调整的工作规则。既是守规者,又是创规人。工作之余,你可以与任何专业的同事进行灵感碰撞,也可以泡一杯咖啡享受片刻轻松。如果你喜欢小动物,我们不仅有猫咪“同事”,也欢迎自带宠物一起办公。
「MUJIA = My Home」The valuable wealth and CE of MLA+ consist of each MUJIA family member.We embrace the philosophy of working efficiently and living happily. Here, there are no rigid hierarchical structures, only a flat management approach and adaptable work rules that revolve around the needs of our employees in real time. We are both rule followers and rule creators. After work, you can engage in inspiring exchanges with colleagues from various fields, enjoy a cup of coffee for a moment of relaxation.If you love animals, we not only have feline ‘colleague,’ but we also welcome you to bring your own pets to the office.
We’re not a team where one person sketches and the rest assist. We value individual creativity and long-term development, empowering each team member to take charge in projects. We expect every employee to treat projects as if they were their own children, embracing a sense of ownership and demonstrating proactive initiative in driving their work forward. Our aim is to create a positive environment that fosters personal growth and encourages employees to stay with the team for the long term. Even if they eventually move on from the team, we strive to ensure they’ve experienced comprehensive growth in all aspects.
Independent thinking is one of the most valuable abilities we cherish. Even amidst the daily demands of professional practice, it is essential to never forget the power of independent thinking. Each employee’s contribution of independent thinking, when brought together, forms the identity of our entire team. This identity serves as the cornerstone of mutual recognition within our team and acts as a powerful weapon to overcome external challenges.
Fluency in English.
福利 Benefits
我们秉持着work hard,play hard的理念。保持积极、保持有趣,创造更好的设计!
Our salary levels are competitive in the market, aligning with the values of our headquarters in the Netherlands. We encourage efficient work practices and strive for a balanced work-life schedule. While we promote a standard working day from 9 to 5 with weekends off, we understand that occasional overtime may be necessary during critical project deadlines. In such cases, we provide compensatory time off for the extra hours worked. In addition to compensatory time off, we also offer 15 days of annual welfare leave for our employees.
We embrace the philosophy of “work hard, play hard.” We believe in maintaining a positive and enjoyable atmosphere while striving for excellence in our designs. By staying motivated and having fun, we aim to create even better designs that exceed expectations.
城设 Urbanist
+ 勇于质疑和创新传统规划思维逻辑,拒绝假大空的政治口号式规划,说专业语言,说普世语言。
+ 对规划的跨学科层面有关注和认知:包括但不限于社会、人文、生态、和政治经济层面。
+ 无论在任何尺度的项目上都始终有跨尺度整合信息的思考能力。
+ 关注公共空间设计并具备处理中小尺度公共空间、景观和建筑关系(尺度、形态等)的能力。
+ 优先考虑能独立带团队和项目的应聘者。
+ Knowledge of innovative planning. Critical thinking to traditional slogan-type urban planning.
+ Understanding of urban planning as an inter-disciplinary profession with a sense in socio-cultural, ecological and political realm.
+ Independent designer with skills in different scale.
+ Attention to mid- to small size public space design. + Preference in individuals with capability of leading a small team.
景观 Landscape Architect
+ 希望能处理各个尺度的景观关系,不仅仅是小尺度的空间体验,也要包括大尺度的区域关系理解。
+ 不仅仅会做设计,也有一定的策略思考能力,同时懂得处理复杂城市环境下的嵌合景观。
+ 有一定的城市规划和建筑的基础知识优先考虑。
+ 优先考虑能独立带团队和项目的应聘者。
+ Knowledge of landscape design in different scales, including regional territorial landscape.
+ Strategic thinking with capability of dealing with complex urban environment.
+ Basic knowledge of urban planning and architecture.
+ Preference in individuals with capability of leading a small team.
建筑 Architect
+ 我们公司关注涵盖建筑在内的多尺度空间设计,要求有多尺度空间的策略思考和设计能力,大到城市关系,小到小品建筑。
+ 对建筑设计的尺度理解尽量有包容的心态,不抗拒城市尺度的议题,对城市关系感兴趣。
+ 对场地、对建筑环境有理性的思考度,又不失感性的嗅觉,拒绝以自我为中心的形式自嗨。
+ We require you to design in multiple scales from districts to single buildings
+ Open attitude to the understanding of architecture with interest in the relationship between buildings and urban environment.
+ A logic perspective to understand site and buildings with a sense of emotional touch.
RIBA Stirling 英国皇家建筑师学会 斯特林奖
IFLA AAPME Awards 国际风景园林师联合会亚非中东地区 杰出大奖
IADA 国际建筑与设计大奖 金奖
IDA 美国国际设计奖
Architect of the year 年度建筑师大奖

招聘职位 | Open Positions
O 城市设计师 Urbanist
+ 城市设计相关专业,本科及以上学历,三年及以上相关工作经验;
+ 良好的英文写作及口语表达能力,适应跨文化、跨学科团队的工作环境;
+ 熟悉大型城市设计项目的全流程,具有良好的项目管理能力及团队领导能力;
+ 对国内规划体系有较全面的认识,具有政府相关部门沟通合作经验;
+ 熟练掌握 AutoCAD, Adobe CS, MS office,rhino, sketch up,ArcGIS等专业软件;
+ 有国际事务所工作经验者优先。
+ Bachelor’s degree or above in Urban Design, at least 3 years of relevant working experience;
+ Excellent English communication and reading and writing skills; Adaptable to working within trans-cultural and multi-disciplinary teams;
+ Be familiar with large-scale urban design Project; Good project management skills and Leadership skills;
+ Comprehensive knowledge of the domestic planning system;
+ Ability to work well within multi-cultural and multi-disciplinary teams;
+ Well experienced in communication and cooperation with governmental departments;
+ Proficiency in professional software, such as AutoCAD, Adobe CS, MS office, rhino, sketch up, ArcGIS, etc.;
+ Work experience in an international firm is preferred.
O 景观设计师 Landscape Architect
+ 景观学专业,本科及以上学历,三年及以上相关工作经验;
+ 良好的英文写作及口语表达能力,适应跨文化、跨学科团队的工作环境;
+ 优秀的创意和汇报能力与设计表达能力;
+ 具有政府相关部门沟通合作经验,具有良好的项目管理能力及团队领导能力;
+ 熟练掌握AutoCAD, Adobe CS, MS office,rhino,sketchup,lumion,enscape等专业软件;
+ 有国际事务所工作经验者优先。
+ Bachelor’s degree or above in Landscape, at least 3 years of relevant working experience;
+ Excellent English communication and reading and writing skills; Adaptable to working within trans-cultural and multi-disciplinary teams;
+ Strong creative design and presentation skill;
+ Well experienced in communication and cooperation with governmental departments; Good project management skills and Leadership skills;
+ Proficiency in professional software, such as AutoCAD, Adobe CS, MS office, rhino, sketchup, lumion, enscape, etc.;
+ Work experience in an international firm is preferred.
O 建筑设计师 Architect
+ 建筑学专业,本科及以上学历,三年及以上相关工作经验;
+ 良好的英文写作及口语表达能力,适应跨文化、跨学科团队的工作环境;
+ 具有从方案到落地的执行能力,熟悉国内相关规范与法规;
+ 具有行业政府甲方、施工方及和合作方等沟通合作经验,具有良好的项目管理能力及团队领导能力;
+ 熟练掌握AutoCAD, Adobe CS, MS office,rhino等专业软件;
+ 有国际事务所工作经验者优先。
+ Bachelor’s degree or above in Architecture, at least 3 years of relevant working experience;
+ Excellent English communication and reading and writing skills; Adaptable to working within trans-cultural and multi-disciplinary teams;
+ Ability to implement projects from Scheme to construction stage; Knowledge of relevant domestic laws and regulations;
+ Well experienced in communication and cooperation with government clients, collaborators and parners; Good project management skills and Leadership skills;
+ Proficiency in professional software, such as AutoCAD, Adobe CS, MS office, rhino, etc.;
+ Work experience in an international firm is preferred.
O 城市设计/景观/建筑实习生(长期招募)Intern ( Architect, Landscape or Urbanist) (Yearly open)
+ 城市设计、景观、建筑等相关专业;
+ 适应跨文化、跨学科团队的工作环境、积极且有上进与责任心;
+ 熟练掌握2D/3D设计软件:: AutoCAD, Adobe CS, Sketchup, Rhino,enscape vary等;
+ 有出色的设计能力、设计表达能力、研究能力,具有良好的空间形态的掌控能力,能配合设计师完成方案的深化与细化;
+ 有相关实习经验及良好的手工模型制作经验者优先;
+ 实习期不低于3个月者优先。
+ Full-time undergraduate or graduate student majoring in urban design, landscape and architecture;
+ Adaptable to working within trans-cultural and multi-disciplinary teams. Be highly motivated and responsible;
+ Proficiency in 2D/3D software packages: AutoCAD, Adobe CS, Sketchup, Rhino、enscape vary, etc.;
+ Have excellent design ability, design expression ability, and research ability, have good control of space form ability, can cooperate with the main designer to complete the deepening and refinement of the planning scheme;
+ Relevant practice experience and good manual model making experience is preferred;
+ Relevant internship experience and good hand modeling experience is preferred;
+ Internship period over 3 months is preferred.
O PR实习生(长期招募)Intern ( PR + Communications ) (Yearly open)
+ 平面设计、视觉传达设计、艺术设计等相关专业,建筑学背景优先;
+ 适应跨文化、跨学科团队的工作环境、积极且有上进与责任心;
+ 熟练掌握设计软件,Adobe系列(Photoshop、Illustrator、InDesign、Premiere等);
+ 优秀的审美、艺术修养及创意能力,有良好的沟通能力,能根据需求完成任务;
+ 对公司品牌及价值了解且认同,擅长捕捉日常生活素材以及戏剧张力;
+ 熟练运用手机拍摄、手机剪辑以及摄影构图;
+ 有一定的英文读写能力优先;有自媒体相关实习经验者优先; 实习期不低于3个月者优先。
+ Education: BArch / MArch or foreign equivalent in graphic design, visual communication design, art design, or similar;
+ Adaptable to working within trans-cultural and multi-disciplinary teams. Be highly motivated and responsible;
+ Proficient in design software, particularly the Adobe (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Premiere, etc.);
+ Excellent aesthetic sense, artistic cultivation, and creative ability, with good communication skills to fulfill tasks according to requirements;
+ Understanding and recognition of the company’s brand and values, good at capturing the material of daily life and drama tension;
+ Skillful ability of mobile phone photography, mobile phone editing and photographic composition;
+ Good English reading and writing ability is preferred.Relevant We Media internship experience is preferred. Internship period over 3 months is preferred.
Please send your cover letter, CV and digital portfolio (max 20MB) to jobcn@mlaplus.com
Applications without portfolio will not be considered
Please clearly mention the desired starting date and expected salary.


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